Sorghum Millet
- The origin of sorghum is generally believed to be around the present-day Ethiopia or East Central Africa. Sorghum was taken from East Africa to India during the first millennium.
- Jowar (sorghum) is one of the most important cereal crops in the world and is one of the four major food grains in India. It is a staple food for millions of poor rural people in Asian and African countries.
- Besides being a major source of staple food for human beings, it also serves as an important source of fodder, animal feed and industrial raw material. Jowar is grown in semi-arid climate where other crops do not stand well. The crop withstands in drought condition.
Health Benefits of Sorghum Millet
- Good source of vitamins and minerals
- Contain high content of dietary fibers
- Rich source of antioxidants
- Helps in inhibiting tumor growth
- Benefits for diabetes patients
- Flour safe celiac disease
- Use sorghum for lower cholesterol level
- Sorghum benefits for weight loss
- Sorghum improves bones strength
- Sorghum helps in improving mood
- Sorghum boost energy levels
- Sorghum promotes blood circulation
- Reduce Inflammation
- Improve Blood Sugar & Digestive System
- Suitable for Celiac Disease and Gluten Intolerance
- Boost Weight Loss
- Fits in a Low Sodium Diet
- Helps Regulate Blood Pressure
- Jowar Improves Heart Health
- Jowar Improves Energy Levels
- Gluten-free